Roman's Tech Blog

I work and play as a programmer, open source consultant & trainer. Here I share some of the odds & ends I discover along the way.

Nuxt.js 3 Setup Notes

I find myself setting up various nuxt.js projects lately. These are some of the notes for getting a quick setup going.

Gemini - An alternative to the web

While the web has become more centralized and dystopian in recent years more people seem to notice and take action. An interesting development is the Gemini Protocol. A small but very enjoyable alternative to the web.

Nuxt3 Matomo Integration

Trying to integrate the Matomo Plugin for Nuxt failed for me. Instead I'm using this alternative method to integrate Matomo into the Nuxt3.

SurrealDB User Management & Namespaces

This article explains how to use SurrealDB system users and namespaces to set up a simple and effective multi user database.

Rust with embedded SurrealDB

Embedding SurrealDB into Rust allows you to work with a Rust native database right inside of your Rust project. In this little example I show you some basics to get you going.

SurrealDB World 2023

I went to SurrealDB World 2023 in London! Version 1.0.0 was announced alongside with a slew of new and exciting features of this brand new database.

Uninstall Microsoft Edge

A quick reference on how to get rid of the Microsoft Edge browser on Windows 10. No screenshots, easy to copy and paste solution.

Windows & Linux User Management with Ansible

Implementation of a serverless muli OS (*NIX and Windows) user management solution with a heavy focus on prearing Windows to use OpenSSH instead of the often quoted WinRM.

Handle existing files when unpacking files on Linux

Sometimes unarchivers like unzip encounter existing files in situations where you don't care to overwrite them. By default they tend to pause and wait for the users input on how to proceed. For many files this can be quite annoying. Here's a list on how to skip or overwrite them automatically on the Linux command line.

The Internet is utterly useless

The internet is mainstream. Everyone who can is online and uses the "new frontier" of cyberspace. But I argue that the Internet has seen it's best days many years ago and has taken the path towards utter uselessness. Let me explain.